Luck is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity (Seneca)

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Some people demonstrate bitterness towards success – “she gets all the luck”

Some people seem to think luck falls from the sky – “he’s always in the right place at the right time”

Could a more positive frame be that there is no such thing as luck at all?

We live in a constantly changing world.  People change jobs, leaving vacant opportunities.  New products and technological advancements create new opportunities.  Information is available everywhere, enabling us to develop knowledge on any topic.

To be “lucky”, we need to be prepared to see and take opportunities.

Often what people see as luck is actually the product of intensive effort to develop the skills and knowledge to create or be ready for opportunities.  Other times it is due to an optimistic outlook or heightened awareness of the world around us, enabling us to see or sense opportunities.  Sometimes it is the willingness to make sacrifices or take risks to seize an opportunity where others find reasons to hold back.

Better to dismiss the concept of luck.  Live life as fully as possible, keep learning, growing and striving.  Embrace what comes our way and be ready to take action when opportunity presents itself. 

Be prepared and you will see and be ready for the opportunities when they come.